Free Contactless Delivery Over $50 in Victoria Monday to Friday, Curbside Free Contactless Delivery Over $50 in Victoria Monday to Friday,
Store info

Mon-Sat 11-5

Sun- 12-5


1322 Government St Victoria, BC V8W 1Y8

Shop Will Be Open until April 30th.

1322 Government St Victoria, BC V8W 1Y8

Shop Will Be Open until April 30th.

Mon-Sat 11-5

Sun- 12-5

Virtual Shopping


Join Us for a Virtual Shopping Experience via Zoom or Facetime 

Book a 15 minute time slot and we can view the products you have had your eye on.

How it works: 

Select the time and date of your choosing and follow the prompts. You will be taken to the check out page and will have to enter your card details like a purchase. You don't be charged, We will confirm your appointment with you via text or email and confirm your preferred method of communication.  If it's via Zoom we will send you an invite. 

Once your appointment arrives, We will call you and help you with whatever you need assistance with.  Our staff are here to help and there is no purchase necessary. 

if you have decided on items, We will send you an order invoice and you are able to complete your purchase. We will package your goods and deliver them how ever you need.